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Employment abroad
Scheduling a meeting to refine the new and current workingmethod. Who is responsible for what?

Getting your hands ons the legal documents in case of detachment to another EU-country.(E101, E106). Becoming familiar with the procedures in health insurance, child support, E401... Becoming familiar with the requirements for employment in a non social security recognised country, the consequences for social rights, I.N.A.M.I, child support, retirement, income, D.O.S Finding solutions and developing procedures to cover the various social risks with insurances if necessary. Looking for solutions for relocation, housing and so fort through partners.

Return to Belgium
Scheduling a meeting to refine the new and current workingmethod. Who is responsible for what?

Getting your hands on the legal documents abroad for example E104. Consequences of living under the Belgian law for social security. Becoming familiar with the procedures health and disability insurance, child support, social rights linked to your current situation. Finding solutions and developing procedures to cover the various social risks with insurances in Belgium. Providing solutions for relocation, housing, the social insurance fund, mutuality and so fort through partners.

Two of our main assets

Expatsis is the ideal middle man for E-documents like E101, E102, E106, E104. Expatsis is your partner to guide your expat through the complex world of social rights and duties involving healthcare, local insurances, company insurances. These info-meetings can be organised in group or individually within your company.